Friday, March 25, 2011

What Is CRM Marketing?

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What Is CRM Marketing?CRM marketing is basically using customer relationship management to direct your company’s marketing techniques in the most effective direction for a higher conversion. Companies who choose to use CRM marketing carefully gather pertinent information about their customers and their needs, then analyze this information to develop CRM marketing plans that target the customer groups that are the most likely to respond. CRM marketing not only can save a business money on excessive marketing costs, that go wasted when not properly directed, but can also increase customer satisfaction with a more personalized approach to marketing and advertising. Every business with direct customer contact can benefit from CRM marketing.

Data for CRM Marketing.The types of data used in CRM marketing can greatly differ from business to business. Some companies store specific personal information about their customers, such as family size, ages, and occupation to effectively enact their CRM marketing strategies. Other companies only maintain databases of recent customer purchases and service information for use in CRM marketing. However, keeping a combination of both of these is likely the best choice to get the most bang for your CRM marketing buck.

CRM Marketing For Email.Those who use CRM marketing for email outreach can use their databases to make email contact with their customer database on an effective level. Follow up email programs are one CRM marketing strategy that allows you to check on customer satisfaction and current needs, while reminding the customer that you are their for their next purchase. Should your company have a large amount of business, these processes can usually be automated within the CRM marketing software, saving payroll for other, more meaningful tasks.
CRM Marketing For Direct Mail.CRM marketing for direct mail is probably the most cost-effective way to implement a direct mail marketing campaign. Using your CRM marketing database will allow you to only sent information to the customers that it will most likely affect and convert. This can save your company money over a conventional mass mailing, which the majority of which would end up in someone’s trash can or recycle bin. CRM marketing lets you choose whom to direct your marketing plans to, for the optimum results.
CRM Marketing For Telemarketers.Businesses that use telemarketing for outreach may have the most wasted time and effort over any other type of business. Within these companies, CRM marketing can make the difference between an entire wasted day of calls and a high success rate. Though cold-calling techniques are tough, any way you approach them, using the data in a CRM marketing program can help you to break the ice and approach a customer about a new product or service plan with a more personalized approach. Any company who uses telemarketing for sales would be lost without a CRM marketing strategy.

Other Uses for CRM Marketing.There are various other uses for CRM marketing and the data stored in these programs. Analyze your customer information to see where you are missing opportunities. Just a quick phone call to let an old customer know that you have missed their business can create a steady stream of repeat business. Calling customers to follow up on a recent purchase and offer accessories and add on products can also be very effective. CRM marketing solutions are only limited by the imagination of you and your marketing department. The CRM marketing software keeps the information, automates some of the processes, and even does much of the analysis for you. All you have to do is decide where CRM marketing is applicable in your business.


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